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Do You Have Oscar Buzz?

Will you be dressing up and hosting your own at home Oscar party?


Are you excited about the upcoming Oscars? Do you have a choice for your picks for certain nominations? Will you be dressing up and hosting your own at home Oscar party? Yes, this is the event that has many people buzzing.

This is an event that the stars will be getting all dressed up for as some try hard to keep their fingers and toes crossed that their names will be called as winners. This is the event that will have fans rooting for their favorite actresses and actors. This is the event that will have all those fashion critics ready to put down those too daring dresses and compliment those classy ones. This is even the event that some people will host their own in home party around, while they root on their favorite movie of the year, actor of the year and actress of the year.

This year’s nominees for the best picture includes the following movies: “The Artist,” “The Descendants,” “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close,” “The Help,” “Hugo,” “Midnight In Paris,” “Moneyball,” “The Tree of Life,” and “War Horse.”

The nominees for the best actor in a leading role include: Demina Bichir, George Clooney, Jean Dujardin, Gary Oldman and Brad Pitt.

The nominees for the best actress in a leading role include: Glenn Close, Viola Davis, Rooney Mara, Meryl Streep and Michele Williams.

This year the audience can download an app for their IPhone and IPad’s that will allow them to cast their ballots on who they should win in the various categories. This app will also allow the viewers to see exclusive streaming live backstage and red carpet footage as it happens.

The Oscars will be broadcasted via all ABC stations on Sunday, 8:30 pm, ET. The red carpet live show, begins at 8:00 pm, ET, on all ABC stations, as well.


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