The morning buzz is crazy about the Chris Brown's performance at BET Awards 2010, that aired aired live last night, Sunday. Chris Brown rocked. He channeled Michael Jackson, in the best performance tribute to Michael thus far. Chris Brown struck all the cords. Michael Jackson died a year ago, fans were pumped -- Chris Brown made moves like Michael -- moonwalked, like the late King of the Pop, to the song, “Billie Jean”. This was an emotional performance that will be talked about for a while. When Chris Brown sung Michael Jackson's song, “Man In The Mirror,” Chris Brown teared. His voice cracked. If he was faking it, he is a better performer than many would give him credit for. He came across doing a genuine tribute. He may have begun to win hip hop America back, after his shameful mistreatment of Rihanna, that led to his plead to felony assault, and got him labeled not a fav by many fans.
Last night, he did well.