December 2020

Nuclear Fusion 117 - U.K. Makes Major Push For Fusion Power - Part 3 of 3 Parts

Part 3 of 3 Parts (Please read Parts 1 and 2 first)
     Part of the plan to support the construction of the STEP reactor is the new fusion research facility that will be constructed next to the Nuclear AMRC in Rotherham. This facility will take the conceptual design for the STEP reactor and convert it into buildable components that are ready to be used in construction.

Nuclear Fusion 115 - U.K. Makes Major Push For Fusion Power - Part 1 of 3 Parts

Part 1 of 3 Parts
     The first laboratory demonstration of nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes took place in the early 1930s. Of course, nuclear fusion is the process that powers our own sun. The sun and all the stars in the sky could be thought of as huge self-sustaining nuclear fusion reactors.

Jam-Centered Cookies

My teen made some thumbprint cookies with a virtual class on Monday and put jam in mine. They were SO good and I'd love to find more recipes to make them, especially with low sugar for myself or unique twists to give them as gifts.

The Jammie Dodger is one of my all-time favorite cookies and I'd love to make those, which are pretty similar to what my kiddo made. He also added chocolate kisses to a bunch of them for the rest of the family.

Evergreen for Days

There are around 15 million real Christmas trees sold every year and some people estimate that this year there will be even more sold as local farms run out weeks before Christmas. But there are also lots of people who make gorgeous tree swags, wreaths or even decorate real trees in their own yards, and I love it all!
