Return of the Tiger

Return of the Tiger

Tomorrow, Friday, Tiger Woods has scheduled an event. I'm sure that the whole world, or most of it will be watching. America, the World, his fans and his sponsors will probably be expecting the traditional "come to Jesus" confessional by a  "fallen public idol"  this is probably what the Tiger will deliver. According to Associated Press reports and ESPN, the Tiger is not expected to answer any questions. The promised scene is a contrite Tiger, with a loyal, faithful and dutiful Mrs. Tiger at his side, and the fans who love him easily ready to forgive him, and the cynics raising a wussy fit because, just because they can, and the comics sitting back in delight scribbling down new Tiger material.

The event is scheduled for 11AM ET, during the Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona, which is the PGA’s first big event of the year. Accenture was the first sponsor to kick the Tiger to the curb after the details of his fall from grace dominated the media and the minds of the whole wide world. Some wags are saying that the Tiger chose to stage his big comeback event at the Accenture little event, to upstage his old sponsor, to remind those little people how potent the Tiger is, even when he makes like a pussy cat and does his Mea culpas. The Tiger people are saying "no" to this. Accenture little event just happens to be where the Tiger will hold his big event -- "the Return of the Tiger!"

Not that I think the Tiger needs to give an apology. Well, maybe to his sponsors, because he built up this heroic, good clean dude image, family man, and all, and they signed him up to sell their products based on that image. But he doesn't need to give an apology to the rest of us. The man is a man. What he did is between him and his wife, period. She is standing by him. Case closed. Oh, yes. Tiger, welcome back.